Online tutoring has been popular with parents and students for many years. But how effective is it, what are the main differences between online and offline tutoring, and whether it is suitable for every child, this article will introduce you to the unique advantages of online teaching.
1. High-quality online teaching
Whether it is online, offline, class, one-on-one, written or interactive teaching, only teachers who can give full play to their teaching skills and strategies and carry out teaching according to children’s needs are the best. Tutors at UKSC are fully trained in how to conduct online tutoring, and teachers can combine this form of teaching with their own professional knowledge to help students achieve good results. In addition, online communication is very common at present. We keep in touch with friends and relatives on the Internet. Similarly, online learning and work can also promote communication between tutors and students.
– Online teaching makes it easier to find a suitable tutor for your child because there are more options than offline tutoring.
– It is often easier to create an immersive teaching environment for students, especially if they are wearing headphones.
-Both tutors and students have quick access to a large number of online learning resources (including audio, video, PowerPoint, etc.).
-Course materials are more conveniently updated online, including changes to current exams and courses.
– Online tutors typically have more time for regular, targeted training, and because online learning is at the forefront of educational technology, these tutors are often the first to see the benefits of these advancements.
– While studying online, it is easier for students to create their ideal working environment (lighting, temperature, seating, refreshments, etc.) to maximize learning comfort and concentration.
-Increase the convenience of sharing and communication. Copying text can be easily done using devices such as a notebook, and even handwritten assignments can be shared using a scanner or emailing photos on a mobile phone.
“Using virtual devices for online tutoring creates a convenient platform for students to record lecture materials and related materials, which they can access anytime and anywhere.” – Simon H, Tutor, UKSC
-Online teaching tools can well combine audio and video content to fully meet the needs of students, which is especially important for students with special educational needs.
– Easier to personalize course structure and layout, and students themselves to customize courses quickly and efficiently.
-For children who are naturally shy, or students who are more active in face-to-face conversations, online teaching can provide more communication options than just “talking out loud”, and teaching can even be done without Do it via video.
-Arrange trial lessons of various courses to help you find the tutor that best suits your child’s style and needs.
“My favorite is online tutoring because I can study with students from all over the world. It feels more intimate, more focused, and students are more engaged. Class time is used more efficiently, with the entire 60-minute session In terms of effective teaching, not having to physically go to the classroom, pack it up and start class.” – Anna M, UKSC 11+ and 13+ English and Maths Tutor .
– More online homework can be arranged when teaching senior students. Through online learning, students can improve their network operation skills and adapt to the future working environment in advance.
-Online teaching encourages student autonomy, and children can grasp the progress of the course.
– Since video calling is the main form of teaching online, there is more actual “face-to-face” time than in-person classes.
“Teaching online is great because there are tons of resources available with a simple click and a variety of programs to display, edit and use them. There are so many ways to keep your students focused and check out Their pace, so online teaching is suitable for students of almost any age.” – Luke S, Maths and Science Tutor, UKSC
-It is very easy to share class assignments, and you can view previous assignments at any time.
– Parents can directly correct and view homework.
– Can automatically save all the work done online, not just tests, notes or homework, even the work plan for the entire school year, parents can view and manage students’ Skype or Microsoft team accounts at any time, and without affecting teaching Follow it all.
– Online homeschooling is especially adaptable, allowing for a team-led approach where everyone from the Director of Education to individual counselors can directly track activities throughout the week.
“Online teaching makes it easy to access resources, and you can get the best resources on the Internet with just one click.” ——UKSC Italian tutor Steafania N
-Parents can pay tuition anywhere, and students can choose a time and place that is convenient for them.
– Lesson scheduling can be more flexible, especially during holidays, which is especially beneficial for clients who only arrange tutoring during school holidays.
– A variety of devices from desktop computers to laptops, smartphones and tablets are available for classes. It also means that if something goes wrong (such as Skype or Microsoft Teams going offline), there is always a way for tutors and students to work around with minimal disruption.
-Most children are already accustomed to various devices and platforms for online teaching. For these “digital natives”, online tutoring seems very natural.
These help ensure that teaching takes place online without the weekly trips to a fixed classroom, and for some students, it makes them feel more comfortable than meeting face-to-face in an unfamiliar location.
“What I like most about teaching online is the freedom to talk 1:1 with your child and make sure the learning content is right for them. I also love the fact that the lessons are innovative and up-to-date with learning resources and interactive activities Yes. The flexibility of the online learning environment allows parents and children to log on and start the course from anywhere in the world, whether they are traveling or not.” – Lowri A, Tutor, UKSC 7+, 8+, 11+ and 13+